New delhi date. 19 July 2020, Sunday
Everyone is under house arrest because of the corona virus. Some of them have stress due to office work while some have stress due to illness. There are so many challenges for everyone, managing their own routine and getting enough sleep at night is also challenging. But most people suffer from insomnia while working from home. Many people may have difficulty getting enough sleep due to stress. Then not getting enough sleep has a negative effect on health.
Do not use the phone while sleeping in bed
Several studies have found that the blue light of a phone or tablet affects melatonin levels. This hormone is responsible for the sleep cycle. That is why the doctor advises not to use the phone in bed before going to bed at night. Books should be read instead.
Say goodbye to alcohol
More than two dozen studies have found that alcohol consumption has a negative effect on sleep. It contains a number of elements that are harmful to health. If you want to get a good night's sleep, do not drink alcohol before going to bed.
Do not eat before bed
Nothing should be eaten immediately before going to bed at night. This can affect your body's sleep cycle. Experts believe that not eating anything until three hours before bedtime can lead to indigestion, acid reflux and nightmares.
The best way to relax your mind is to spend a few moments with nature. You can meditate at home during the lockdown. It eliminates the problem of insomnia and also leads to sleep deprivation.
Several other effective remedies
- Wash hands, mouth and feet every night before going to bed. Doing so helps you to sleep better.
- Massaging the soles of the feet with mustard oil before going to bed also keeps the mind calm and stable, blood circulation is good and fatigue is also removed which makes sleep better.
- Mix a pinch of nutmeg in milk and drink it before going to bed at night. It also helps bring good sleep.
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