New delhi date. 01 September 2020, Tuesday
Are you tired of your curly hair and now you want to adopt a straight hair hairstyle but going to a parlor and getting straight hair often makes the hair look bad. Using hot tools in the hair can also cause hair damage. Milk will be the best option for your hair. Whenever it comes to straightening hair naturally, use only milk while sitting at home. This is because milk contains protein, casein, which boosts hair follicles and helps hair grow. Not only this, milk also helps in straightening the hair. If you haven't used milk in your hair yet, try a milk hair mask this time.
Straighten hair this way with milk
Ingredients for making milk hair mask
- One third cup of coconut milk
- A spray bottle
- A comb
Use this way
- Put coconut milk in a spray bottle and spray on your damaged hair. Be sure to cover everything from your scalp to the ends of your hair.
- Massage on the scalp and rotate the comb in the hair. Be careful not to leave any curls in the hair.
- Once the hair has completely absorbed the milk then wash the hair thoroughly with mild shampoo.
- Wash your hair well to remove the smell of milk from the hair.
How to make coconut milk at home
You can also make coconut milk at home instead of buying it from the market.
Ingredients for making coconut milk
- 1 coconut
- 4 cups boiled water
Here's how to make coconut milk
- Cut the coconut into 3 spots and drain the water into a cup.
- Now put the coconut in a blender and pour boiled water over it.
- Let the coconut absorb hot water so that it becomes a little soft.
- Now puree the coconut by blending it at high speed, which will look very milky.
- Dip the blended mixture into a muslin cloth.
- Now take out the coconut milk from it.
- Pour this milk into a spray bottle and apply to your own hair. The hair will look curly, long and straight.
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