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Eating while sitting on the ground is very beneficial for health

New delhi date. 23 August 2020, Sunday

There are many more benefits to sitting on the ground than sitting on a chair or bed. Sitting on the floor or ground shows the importance of many cultures of the world. The practice of sitting on the ground and eating is very old in India. Even today people in the village prefer to sit on the ground and eat. But sitting on the floor has many health benefits. It improves digestion and maintains the flexibility of the body. Learn why sitting on the ground is beneficial and what health benefits it brings.

Nowadays, although eating at the table and chair has become a part of the city's lifestyle, eating while sitting on the floor has a positive effect on health. In fact the way one sits on the floor with one foot on the other is a kind of asana. Sitting and eating in this posture of asana strengthens the digestive system. There are many other benefits to sitting on the floor. Sitting on the ground stretches the muscles of the lower body. Which is very beneficial for keeping your body flexible. With this the legs become stronger.

Sitting on the ground improves digestion. This allows the digestive juices to do their job properly. At the same time, sitting on the ground also helps in balancing the weight.

When all the members of the family sit on the floor and eat or talk together, the relationship between them becomes stronger and love grows. At the same time, sitting in this posture removes many problems from the body. However, people who have some health problems should get in the habit of sitting on the floor only after consulting a doctor.

Eating while sitting on the ground improves blood circulation while improving our personality. This keeps the heart healthy and reduces the chances of developing the diseases associated with it.


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