New delhi date. 05 May 2020, Tuesday
It is advisable to wash your hands from time to time from the beginning of the corona transition. According to health experts, the risk of spreading the infection by hand is high, as we often touch the face with our hands. We can become infected if we touch a virus-infected surface and touch the eyes, nose or mouth with the same hand.
To prevent this virus, experts advise washing your hands frequently with soap. People are also applying alcohol-based sanitizers. According to experts, frequent hand washing with soap and application of sanitizer reduces the natural softness and moisture of the hands due to the chemicals in them. As a result the skin tends to become dry. The skin begins to crack and cracks can cause the virus to enter the body.
Apply cream after washing hands
A skin specialist from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Dr. Sara Hogan states that the outer skin of the hand contains natural oils and waxes. This maintains the moisture in the hand, which protects the hand from both outside and inside. Frequent hand washing with soap and use of sanitizer damages the natural wall of the hand. To avoid this situation, use a cream or Vaseline after washing hands or applying a sanitizer, which will remove dryness and maintain the softness of the hands.
Use less scented soap
People use scented soaps more. Reduce the use of scented soap as it creates a thick layer of foam. When we wash our hands with this type of soap, we also wash the natural oil in our hands. Doing so for too long can also ruin the natural beauty of the hand.
Use warm water
Wash hands with warm water for 20 seconds. Not with hot water. Then keep your hands in a towel, do not wipe with a towel to dry your hands. Apply moisturizer cream immediately when hands are dry. When you go to the office or out on duty, keep the cream with you and apply it after washing your hands. This will keep the skin of your hands soft and healthy.
Do not apply sanitizer if hands are torn
Do not use alcohol-based sanitizer if hand skin is torn. It can be used by mixing hand sanitizer and moisturizing cream but it is less likely to kill the virus. Do not use scented items if your hands are torn. Apply cream or ointment on doctor's advice.
Apply the cream at night before going to bed
Before going to bed at night, apply moisturizer cream on the hands and cover the hands with a cotton cloth for 20 minutes to maintain the softness of the hands. Then wash your hands. Then go to bed, the hands will dry on their own, they do not need to be wiped with a cloth.
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