New delhi date. Monday, March 22, 2021
Water is a legacy that we need to cherish for generations to come. Life is not possible without water. It is said that humans can live without food but cannot survive without water. However, people do not understand this and are busy wasting water instead of saving it. People have stopped understanding the importance of water. The practice of celebrating World Water Day has started with the aim of making the world understand the need for water. The philosopher Thales said many years ago that water is the cause of all material things and the basis of all animal life but now people are not giving importance to this. This is why World Water Day is celebrated every year.
The beginning of World Water Day
The United Nations started celebrating World Water Day with the aim of making the world aware of the need for water. World Water Day was first observed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Which was first held on March 22, 1933.
The purpose of World Water Day
The purpose of celebrating World Water Day is to make the world aware of how important it is to save water, this is our basic resource, it manages a lot of work and its scarcity can disrupt most activities. This purpose day is to let people know that without water their very existence could be in danger.
The theme of World Water Day 2021
World Water Day is celebrated every year with a theme. This year's theme is Valuing Water, which aims to educate people about the importance of water. There are many countries in the world where people do not even have access to drinking water and eventually they face many health related problems by drinking dirty water. It is very important to understand the value of water.
How World Water Day is celebrated
Every year on the occasion of World Water Day, a variety of events are organized. Through speeches, poems and stories, efforts are made to explain water conservation and its importance to the people. Several types of pictures and posters are shared with the aim of explaining the need for water to the people.
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