New delhi date. Thursday, March 18, 2021
From time to time someone gets angry at everyone for some reason. If someone says that I never get angry then it is wrong. Because this is a normal emotional reaction. But there is a difference in the intensity of the anger and the situation. Some people get angry in low and awkward situations while others get angry quickly and very much over small things. In such a situation they lose control of themselves and utter words to the person in front of them which they later regret. These types of people are called short tempered. If you also get angry quickly and intensely over something, you need to control it. Because this is not good for the person in front, it is not good for your health either. Here are some tips to help you control your anger.
Take a deep breath
If you are getting intense and angry over something, try to take a deep breath. This remedy will work as a meditation and will play an important role in calming your mind.
Calculate inverted
In an angry situation, start counting inverted before saying anything. This will reduce the intensity of your anger and at the same time you will be able to control yourself in speaking the wrong words that you are going to say unknowingly in anger.
Drink cold water
A glass of cold water can be used to calm the anger. This will allow you to calm your anger a little and think a little before you say anything. At the same time it will be beneficial for your health.
Listen to music
If you are getting angry after thinking about something, then you should resort to music therapy. When you are angry, try to listen to a song that calms you down.
People who get angry more and more quickly need to meditate a few times every day. By incorporating meditation into one's routine, one gradually learns to control one's anger.
Get enough sleep
It is often seen that even in situations of not getting enough sleep and fatigue, people become irritable and get angry quickly. If you also get angry over small things, you need a good night's sleep. This will help control your anger.
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